How I Want To Help
My Goals For Buckingham
Welcome to my campaign for the Buckingham Board of Supervisors! I’m committed to approaching local issues with an open and curious mind, free from the constraints of long-standing partisan politics. My fresh ideas will help us build a better community for everyone. Together, we can create positive change that reflects the needs and aspirations of our township.
NO to Turning Buckingham Into A Warehousing District
Over the past 18 months, I have led the No Buckingham Warehouse Community Activist Group. We worked as a community to force our current Board of Supervisors to vote NO on the project but this will be in the appeals courts for years. I will be your voice on the Board making sure the community stays informed and safe from this project and will always vote NO on this and any future proposed similar projects.
Mandatory RFPs For 3rd Party Vendors
Buckingham's Solicitor and Engineering Firm have been given a blank check and unchecked powers in Buckingham for decades without any competition. Buckingham has used the legal services of Craig Smith and the engineering services of Knight Engineering for more than 20 years without ever seriously considering a proposal from any other firms to ensure we are getting the best sevices for our money.
With zero competition or checked balances, Buckingham increased their legal budget in 2024 by 35% over 2023
I will work to enact a mandatory RFP process for all 3rd party vendors at an agreed upon interval to make sure that Buckingham Township and its residents continue to get the best combination of service and cost.
Make Permitting Easier
Have you skipped the permitting process for a simple shed, patio or deck? Not because you didn't want to pay for the permit, but because it's a MAJOR hassle!
My goal is to work to make simple home improvement permits hassle free! By finding the right balance between automating and digitizing permits for lesser jobs and improving the process on bigger jobs, we will make the community's life easier, more people will actually obtain a permit and township revenue will increase.
Budget Transparency
Everything our Board does is done with your money. You should be able to easily see what has been, will be and might be done with our community dollars.
My goal will be to make the budget easily searchable and understandable through the township website. We deserve to know whats going on with our tax dollars.
Pay Better Attention to Local Roads
Many of our local roads are not controlled by PennDOT so why are they almost just as bad? I want to make our roads safer by paying closer attention to community input on the roads that need help and fixing them properly in a timely manner.
Preserve Our History
We are so lucky to live in a place with such important American history and we should preserve it! Places like Bogart's Tavern are so integral to American history and it should be preserved. Did you know that Nathanael Greene and George Washington met here on December 10, 1776 to plan the famous Crossing of the Delaware!
Bogart's is not alone in its historical significance but having fallen into an undeserving eye sore. We need to work with local historical preservation groups and experts to bring these places back to their former glory so our children and neighbors can learn about the historical significance Buckingham has in America.
Improve Community Communication
Currently, Buckingham has no effective way of communicating with its residents. There is no monthly newsletter, organized communication method for events or news and a very spotty social media presence - There is currently an Instagram page with 4 posts and a Facebook page that hasn't been active since 2022.
I will work to make communication between the township and our residents more constant and easily accessible. We will do this my marrying all social media pages together with the same handle and cross posting the same messaging on all platforms. We will also restore our monthly newsletter that will keep everyone up to date on monthly meetings, community updates, and any upcoimng major project notes or news.
Better and Easier Meeting Viewing & Recaps
Currently, our Board of Supervisors, prefers to operate in a shroud of secrecy. As of writing this on April 11, 2023 there have been 3 months of business meetings with no minutes posted. If you were not at the meeting, you have no idea or ability to know whats going on in Buckingham. There is no camera feed or even a Facebook Live video of or meetings. Every other local township offers this basic viewing option, Buckingham should get with the times and allow its tax payers to see what's going on!
I would add the ability to watch the meetings live online as well as watch them back at later dates. I would also ensure minutes are updated on a timely manner and that the community is aware of whats going on with our Board.
NO Airport Expansion
I know much has been said in the past about the possibility of our local airport expanding. Rumors have floated and things have been said. I will 100% unequivocally vote to prevent any expansion of our local Doylestown Airport.
Continue Land Preservation Efforts to Keep Buckingham Buckingham
Buckingham is a beautiful place and our open spaces and farmland make us an iconic and envious part of Pennsylvania. My goal would be to continue our land preservation efforts and to keep new large communities at bay as much as possible while still allowing small land owners in Buckingham looking to build their single family homes easily and hassle free.